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DSV Avianna conducting ROV trial before departure from S-pore to Norway @Loyang Supply Base (TOLL). Company owner and operator were given on the best available info. Since Nov-2011 Broron O&G became a owner and manager of the boat.
On the background floating training centre ALERT-I 'SRI KRESNA'
View to Main Deck @DSV Avianna during her stay in Norway for installation of knuckle boom subsea crane with heavy compensation.
Visible: 4 point mooring anchor racks and anchors on deck, 2 x diving LARS + 1 x ROV LARS.
DP2 IMR class DSV Toisa Paladin at Kirinskoe Gas Field, Sakhalin III project.
Vessel was chartered by GSP Offshore.
IMR - Inspection, Repair, Maintenance.
First class vessel, designed and built to work in DP.
Водолазное судно Ттойса Паладин на Киринском ГКМ, проетк Сахалин 3.
DSV Details:
DP2 IMR class DSV Toisa Paladin at Kirinskoe Gas Field, Sakhalin III project.
Vessel was chartered by GSP Offshore.
IMR - Inspection, Repair, Maintenance.
First class vessel, designed and built to work in DP.
Водолазное судно Ттойса Паладин на Киринском ГКМ, проетк Сахалин 3.
DSV Details:
Multipurpose AHTS Skandi Hercules spotted at Kirinskoe gas field, during development phase. Vessel was chartered for ROV duties.
Многоцелевое ТБС Сканди Геркулес в районе Киринского КГМ, Дальний восток, РФ. Судно было нанято для работы с ТПА (РОВ).
Vssel details:
Flag : Bahamas
Call Sign : C6YY2
DP barge C Master spotted at South Pars field, development project, phase 12.
Баржа Си Мастер в Персидском заливе.
Flag: St Vincent Grenadines
Call Sign: J8B2749
MMSI: 377612000
Length x Breadth: 203 m X 40 m
Gross tonnage : 20645 t / DWT : 14934 t
НИС Георгафвыходит из порта Витория, Бразилия. Судно оборудовано для работы с ТПА (Телеуправляемый подводный аппарат).
ROV - Remote Operated Vehicle.
LARS - Launch and Recovery System.
The detailed photo of ROV LARS, FRC, subsea crane on board of survey vessel. ROV - is acronym of Remote Operated Vehicle. LARS - Launch and Recovery System.
Ships name Georaph
ROV support Bibby Spring seen at Singapore after load test of offshore crane.
РОВ (ТПА) Бибби Спринг в порту сингапур, после лоад теста палубного крана.
Vessel details:
Call Sign : 9VCW5 / MMSI : 565729000 / Flag : Singapore
Build at shipyard: Jaya Asiatic Shipyard, Indonesia
GRT: 2,386 tons
Construction Vessel Normand Oceanic at Kirinskoe Gas Field (Sakhalin III), Russia to deploy for subsea installation of manifold.
Строительно судно Норманд Оушеаник на Киринском ГКМ (сахалин 3). Судно будет размещать подводную защиту для манифолда. Генподрядчик проекта МРТС.
Flag: UK
MMSI: 23509112
View to main deck during static tow of tanker Zenith Spirit near with FPSO Azurite.
m/v Cindy Tide was chartered for ROV services. On the left side ROV LARS.
DP2 AHTS Nor Sea at anchor. ROV LARS on SB side.
After Oct-2008 she was owned by NEPTUNE MARINE SERVICES and named as NEPTUNE TRIDENT.
In May-2011, she was sold to Wintermar PT and renaimed in SMS SUPPORTER.
Principal Dimensions
Length Overall 70.05 m
Length B.P. 63.00 m
Beam 14.95 m
Depth 6.10 m
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