Отчет по столкновения судна обеспечения с платформой на месторождении Mumbai High North


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Расследование столкновения многоцелевого судна обеспечения Samundra Suraksha с платформой Mumbai High North

Столкновение многоцелевого судна обеспечения Самудра Суракша (multipurpose support vessel Samudra Suraksha / IMO 8109383) с платформой Мумбай Хай Нос (Mumbai High North, MHN), 27 июля 2005 года. Также встречалось название судна с написанием через букву 'N' - Samundra Surakshi, но одна из фотографий судна ниже, не оставляет сомнений, какое название было нанесено на борту.

Ранее месторождение называлось Bombay High, теперь Mumbai High. В старых материалах может быть такое упомнинание.


Цитата из Mumbai High North Platform Disaster (файл прикреплен ниже):
The Mumbai High oil field is located in the Arabian Sea, 160km west of the coast of Mumbai, India. The field is operated by Indian operator Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and is the largest oil field in India. Located in the field’s northern block was a production complex, 100km from shore, consisting of four bridge-linked platforms. The Mumbai High North (MHN) platform was constructed in 1981 and outfitted for production of 80,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

In July 2005, a multipurpose support vessel (MSV) was completing a diving campaign at MHN when a crew member was injured. Upon recovery of the diving bells, the MSV requested the injured employee to be transferred to the platform. Weather conditions were unfavourable the day of the event, with monsoon rains and high winds, prohibiting the use of the MHN’s helicopter. The leeward crane of MHN was out of commission at this time, so the vessel began to approach the platform on its windward side. During the approach, the master had noted that the starboard thrusters pitch was slow moving. After the injured crew member was successfully transferred to the platform, the MSV experience a heave from ongoing ocean swells and struck several marine risers. The resulting gas leak ignited rapidly and spread to adjacent risers with no fire protection. Fluid flow in the risers was not contained by emergency shutdown valves due to their overall length. Rescue operations were unsuccessful in recovering 22 lives that day.

At the time of this incident, no regulatory body or organization for the governance of offshore safety in oil and gas existed in India. Serious issues concerning the platform and it’s export risers, as well as lack of risk mitigation aboard the MSV, were discovered. Shortly after the incident, U.S. governing bodies signed an MOU with the Indian petroleum directorate to share common knowledge and develop comprehensive rules and regulations.

"Работать в ДиПи режиме со стороны райзера следует избегать именно поэтому, а тем более пересаживать повара" как сказал один мастер.

К теме прикреплено два файла с расследованием и обобщением по происшествию.

Также об этом происшествии можно дополнительно прочесть тут:


  • mumbai-high-north-incident-summary-27-jul-05.pdf
    236.2 KB · Просмотры: 105
  • 468-2133-1-PB Mumbai High North Platform Disaster.pdf
    294 KB · Просмотры: 127
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Подвезли фотографии Samudra Suraksha IMO 8109383, частями будут выкладываться.


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Дополнительные фотографии СО Самудра Суракша.
